Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rooney Kena Temuramah

Ha3 , memang serius lawak!cuba la tengok! enjoy!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Im Back!

Sekarang ni aku dah ada kat rumah.So blog aku ni pon maybe bergerak la kot kalau aku tak malas la nak update ni Ha3.Phew dah lama tak update blog ni, jenguk pun tak!Aku lupa la yang sebenarnya aku ada blog Ha3.So harini aku check blog aku ni , aku tengok ramai juga yang datang dari oversea ni, entah paham ke tak aku pun tak tahulah dengan apa yang aku post ni.Nak speaking kan tak boleh , takut - takut ayat terlalu power pula! Ha3.Apa2 pun korang layan la dulu lawak kat bawah ni.Lawak kot, Bai!

*Three guys die and go to heaven. While they're waiting in line at the pearly gates a guy asks them how they died.

The first guy says "I live on the fourteenth floor of an apartment building. I've been suspecting my wife of cheating on me for a little while now so today I decided to find out for sure. I left to go to work but after ten minutes doubled back and burt through the front door yelling 'Honey I'm home!.' I heard someone running and when I opened the bedroom door i saw my wife naked on the bed. I looked around the house but couldn't find her lover. I looked out at the deck and saw a guy hanging off the railing. I new instantly that he was the guy. I ran to him and started kicking him until he fell. He would have died but some shrubs cushioned his fall. Me, being fed up, went to the kitchen picked up the refrigerator and threw it off the balcony. Unfortunately the refrigerator was too heavy and I died of over-exertion just after throwing it."

The second guy says "I live on the fifteenth floor of an apartment building, and every day I go out onto my balcony to do my yoga. Today as I was doing it, I tripped and fell off of the balcony. Luckily I was able to grab on to the railing of the balcon underneath mine. Just then a guy came out onto the balcony and kicked me until I fell. Luckily my all was cushioned by some shrubs. But before I ould get up, he threw a refrigerator on me and I died instantly."

The third guy then says "So picture this, I'm hiding naked inside a refrigerator..." *

p/s - lawak ni je yang BI sebab aku kopipes! :D

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Best Parenting Commercial

Ingat! Budak - budak akan ikut apa yang dia tengok!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Memang dah menjadi lumrah hidup manusia , yang kecik nak rasa jadi dewasa , bila dah jadi dewasa nak pulak jadi waktu dulu - dulu . Time kecik - kecik la sebenarnya time yang paling best dalam hidup manusia , bagi aku lah .Tak tahu lah aku kalau korang macam mana . Time tak tau ape bende , Tau main , penat tidur , lapar makan , Time tu memang best , Tapi seriously dulu - dulu aku selalu jugak pikir kalau kerja kan best , boleh la aku beli macam - macam dengan duit yang aku dapat and tak payah la susah - susah belajar , Hahaha . Kalau da kerja tahu lah macam mana. So aku pun tak nak cakap panjang - panjang , video atas ni da boleh buat korang sume paham secukup rasa dah.:D
bai bai

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Agak lama blog ni aku tak update , dalam seminggu jugak la , haha seminggu je! Aku sebenarnya sambung belajar kat Uitm dungun , so susah sikit aku nak update blog sebab aku mana ada broadband bagai , Laptop pon tak ade , lagilah nak langgan broadband adui! Ni aku boleh update ni sebab aku dok kat Umah dalam 2 ,3 hari , balik ambil barang - barang sikit then hari ahad pergi balik . So thats it , Stay Tune!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Test Drive Unlimited 2

Topic kali ni untuk gamers2 or penggemar kereta. Mungkin orang lain akan anggap topic ni bosan, Sori2! ok now , game ni memang amat susah kalau main dengan keyboard , sebab game ni aku galakkan guna 'Racing Wheel' untuk kepuasan yang lebih realistic atau 'Xbox Controller' pun dah ok da. Tapi aku still guna keyboard! haha. Aku tertarik dengan game ni sebabnya aku amat minat jugaklah dengan kereta - kereta ni, tambahan lagi dalam game ni aku boleh drive kereta favourite aku! Game ni kalau main sure rasa macam kaya je! Serius! Korang boleh beli kereta , beli rumah , baju - baju yang membuatkan korang lagi nampak kaya , and cosmetic surgery pun korang boleh buat! Dalam game jela , kalau real HARAM!
Ok bawah ni ada Trailer untuk game ni

yang bawah ni pula gameplay dari game ni

Game ni memang susah part license test je la.Yang lain normal .Aku pun baru lepas C3 license test . Tapi game ni la 1st game yang aku stick gila - gila , kalau game -game lain semua tak menarik minat aku da . Maybe kereta - kereta yang cun dalam game ni buatkan aku jatuh hati? haha Seriously aku bagi game ni 9/10!!!
so thats it bai bai

Monday, May 23, 2011

Simply Legend!

Memang serius lawak gila ! Tengok - tengok!! Memang berbaloi! Ini Ini ini memang video paling best pernah aku tengok!

Kredit to /K/ tard in Kopitiam